Friday, 11 October 2013

Amazing recent discoveries

Amazing recent discoveries
Amazing recent discoveries, Scientists have made some pretty remarkable findings recently, including  a new mammal, a new moon and possibly new pyramids. Scroll through to see some of the biggest discoveries in recent times.

A new mammal

The olinguito, a reddish-orange mammal with a fluffy tail  was identified as its own species just last month. Researchers are calling this a case of mistaken identity – the mammal, native to these countries, has been studied before but was thought to be an example of its sister species.

An Egyptian sphinx

Archaeologists have found the feet of an Egyptian sphinx at a famous Israeli archaeological hot spot. Inscriptions of King Mycerinus were found on the artifact .

A lab-grown hamburger

Grown in a petri dish from a cow's muscle cells, the first lab-made hamburger got mixed reviews on taste . An American food author and an Austrian food researcher tasted the lab-grown patty.

A holy find

While excavating at an ancient church in a Turkish town, archaeologists claimed to have found a piece of the cross Jesus was crucified on. Legend has it that a Roman emperor's mother distributed pieces of the cross among religious leaders, including one in Constantinople.

A mysterious coffin at a famous gravesite

Soon after discovering King Richard III's remains , researchers found an unusual second coffin  at the gravesite . Some think the remains inside could be of someone from this elite group.

Dolphin names

A group of researchers, some from the University of St. Andrews , have discovered that dolphins call each other by name. Each dolphin has its own particular whistle that fellow dolphins then call out when they get separated.

A big-nosed dinosaur

Paleontologists digging at this national monument have found fossils of a unique dinosaur that roamed the Earth 76 million years ago. The Nasutoceratops, which means “big-nose horned-face,” has unmistakable facial features, including a very large nose. Perhaps even stranger than the look of its nose is the fact that it couldn't even do this.

Long-lost pyramids

Amateur archeologist Angela Micol  seems to have discovered pyramids located in the Egyptian desert. Perhaps most shocking of all is not that these pyramids exist but the method by which Micol found them.

A new moon

Just a few months ago, an astronomer named Mark Showalter discovered a new moon orbiting Neptune. He found it after analyzing photos taken by this telescope between 2004 and 2009.

A family of insects

The discovery of a now-extinct family of insects  could provide scientists with more insight into how climate change affects certain animals.

A lab-grown organ

Scientists  have discovered how to create a human liver in the laboratory, a discovery that could potentially transform organ transplants. Researchers used a certain type of human cell together with cells from these furry friends to encourage the formation of three-dimensional buds, from which mature liver cells then grew.

A new way to clone

Researchers from this Asian country hit the headlines earlier this summer when details of their new cloning method were published. The scientists managed to clone a mouse from an extremely tiny amount of circulating blood cells .

Our earliest cousin revealed?

Information about a fossil discovered several years ago  was revealed earlier this year, suggesting who our earliest primate cousin really was.  The tiny animal  even shows some characteristics still found in the human's relatives today .

A new lizard species

After finding fossils of an ancient lizard, a paleontologist decided to name the species after the lead singer of a famous rock band.

Unusual rocks on Mars

A team of NASA scientists are working hard to learn how certain rocks on Mars developed. A rover, aptly named this, will drill into these rocks  before heading on to explore another area of the planet.

Dinosaur fossils

An enormous amount of bones have already been dug out by paleontologists in a massive dig in northeast Wyoming, and they're not finished yet. Researchers believe multiple Triceratops are buried in the grave.

A new dinosaur species

A new dinosaur species, classified as a bird and called Aurornis xui , was discovered in China earlier this year. This meat-eating bird had four wings and most likely glided along the ground rather than flew.

An Egyptian city

A city known as Heracleion to some and Thonis to others was buried under the Mediterranean Sea  until it was discovered in 2000. Items pulled from the city show it was most likely a trade hub and perhaps a religious center as well.

An Earth-like planet

Earlier this year, scientists announced they had found a planet with very similar properties to Earth. Planet KOI 172.02  is just slightly larger than Earth and rotates around a star, much like Earth rotates around the sun.

Ancient Roman medicine

After analyzing tablets found at the site of an ancient shipwreck, scientists have determined the medicine could have been used for this body part. Further analysis of the medicine will potentially tell researchers more about how medicine has developed over the years.

A freshwater fish

A small, colorful freshwater fish , discovered last year in this southern U.S. state, is named after a well-known politician.

A new particle

After decades of rumors about its discovery, many scientists believe confirmation of the Higgs Boson particle  came in March 2013.

A new way to sequence a fetus's genome

Scientists have discovered nearly the entire genome of a fetus (how do they do it?)  in the womb.

Man-made DNA

In early 2012, scientists discovered what could potentially become an incredibly useful tool in the lab and beyond – synthetic DNA. XNA is made of artificial nucleic acids and has shown similar functions to the genetic molecule it's modeled after.

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